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womens brazilian jiu-jitsu

New revised schedule, Women's BJJ class, and Mark Dellagrotte Muay Thai Seminar


New revised schedule, Women's BJJ class, and Mark Dellagrotte Muay Thai Seminar

Revised Schedule, effective Monday June 4, 2018

Capoeira with Virtuoso Stefan Molejo
Sunday 3:45-5PM (FREE for members)

Mark Dellagrotte Muay Thai Seminar
Saturday, June 9, 2018 11-1:30PM
$75 Cash (in advance)
$100 Cash (at the door)

Kru Mark Dellagrotte, top UFC trainer and owner of Sityodtong USA, will be at Chicago MMA on Saturday, June 9, from 11-1:30PM. Kru Mark is one of the top Muay Thai and MMA trainers in the world. His unique style blends traditional Muay Thai with the latest concepts and techniques in MMA. Don't miss this opportunity to train with the legend himself.

Women’s Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
In addition to the women's Muay Thai classes, we are introducing women's Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) as part of our Women’s program. This is your opportunity to become a complete martial artist.

Starting Wednesday, June 6, Chicago MMA will offer a women's-only BJJ class from 8-9pm every Wednesday night. The class is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of BJJ with a particular focus on self-defense.

The class will be taught by Misho Ceko, Ralph Gracie Black Belt. Misho Ceko has over 20 years of martial arts experience including 15 years as a black belt. No experience or equipment required to participate.

