Viewing entries tagged
strength & conditioning

NEW CLASS! Strength & Conditioning!

NEW CLASS! Strength & Conditioning!

Based on the results of the 8-week experiment we are pleased to announce the addition of new strength and conditioning classes to the weekly schedule!

Strength & Conditioning Classes
Tuesday, Thursday 6:30-7:30PM
Saturday 10-11AM
Maximum capacity - 8
Sign up online via our weekly schedule OR use our custom app to reserve your spot!

The weight room will be closed to general members during class time.

Schedule Changes for Fitness Classes Starting on Monday 10/19/2020

Schedule Changes for Fitness Classes Starting on Monday 10/19/2020

Starting on Monday 10/19/2020 ALL fitness classes will be indoors at the gym. Additionally, we have added the following new fitness classes:

  • Monday - Friday

    • 7AM - 8AM Open Gym (Fitness side)

    • 4PM - 5PM Open Gym (Fitness side)

  • Monday - Thursday

    • 7PM - 8PM

Reminder: ALL fitness classes including open gym require a membership with the fitness option. Masks/facial coverings are required at all times during indoor training.