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drop-in fees

New Members Pricing Starting in 2024

We are looking forward to 2024. Once the renovation is complete, members will have access to one of the most state-of-the-art gyms in the country. More classes, more mat space, more bags, member lounge, cage walls, individual change rooms and showers. Also, don't forget about limited access to The Strength Room, Chicago as well!

You only have a couple days to lock in the holiday discount on 2023 prices and save up to 50% before the new rates begin. Sale ends this weekend (last day is Sunday 12/31/2023). See image below for summarized membership pricing changes. Additionally, there are minor changes with promo/trial membership and drop-in fees.

  • Promo/Trial Membership 7 Days for $49

  • Single Class Drop-in will be $25

  • All-day Drop-in will be $35

  • 10-Class Pack will still be $200 (good for 3 months)

For more information on our 2023 end-of-year membership sale visit this page:

Reach out to us if you have additional questions!
Chicago Mixed Martial Arts